
The Final Steps

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Literature Text

The Final Steps

Shika awoke the next morning to the sun shining in his eyes. His stomach was finally full and he was completely rested.  His body felt rejuvenated.  He let out a deep sigh and looked to his left; Sayuri was still sound asleep.  Shika watched her in her peaceful slumber and wished he could stay where he was for the rest of his life.  He felt like his life was now complete; like he had finished all of his goals, he now had a better life.
    Sayuri began to stir after a few moments; Shika watched her pink eyes flutter open.  When she caught sight of Shika, a grin spread across her face.
    “Mornin’” She groggily mumbled to Shika who replied with the same words.  Sayuri stretched her arms up above her head; her arms were completely bare.
    “How was your sleep last night?” Sayuri asked with a sly grin on her face.
    “Best night’s sleep I’ve ever had.” Shika replied with a wink.  The sun was now pouring in the room through many windows located at the seam of where the roof and the walls connect.  Sayuri looked right at the windows, and then to her wall, which had lines on it.
   “Good, it’s still early,” Sayuri mentioned, “I have a few things I have to get done, we should have plenty of time to get them done.” She pushed herself out of the bed and opened up a closet.  Shika rolled off the feathery mattress reluctantly, and threw on his freshly cleaned robes.
    “Hey you wanna do me a favour?” Sayuri asked as Shika was picking up his weapons.
    “What’s that?”
    “Well, I was hoping you could quickly take a peek into the future.  I would like to know if I’m battling today.” Sayuri suggested.
    “Sure,” Shika replied, “I’d like to know myself.” Shika grabbed his staff off the ground and plunged it deep into her flooring. “What’s happening later today?” Shika thought as he was whisked away to the future.  
   Shika landed smoothly when he stopped his transferring.  He was standing in the large hall where he had stood before, the day he was introduced to this world.  He saw himself and Sayuri standing on the front stage.
    “We have reports from Seteson saying that Koroshite is moving, with an enormous army of former Entity members, Mornalls, and Mimps.  Seteson says from his rough calculations, they out-number us 25 – 1.  He also says that all of the soldiers are wearing cloaks made entirely out of Black Opal.” Sayuri paused as a large intake of air and nervous chatter broke out.  Shika leaned over and whispered to Sayuri.
    “Black Opal?”
    “It’s indestructible.  Most swords are made out of it; your staff is made out of it, too.”
    “Shit, this isn’t going to be as easy as before.”
    Sayuri waited a bit for the chatter to die down, but it only got louder.
    “People!  PEOPLE!” Sayuri was shouting over their voices, but they weren’t listening.
    “His army will reach Naka Sekai within an hour!”  Shika firmly yelled; there was instant silence.
    “A – an hour?  Are you positive?” Asked a younger man in beige robes.
    “Yes, we received the message merely 10 minutes ago,” Sayuri nodded in the direction of the falcon on the perch beside her.  “When we received the message, Seteson claimed that their pace was quickening and they may reach here even faster."
    The past Shika knew now he was to prepare for a battle that day and he was just waiting to leave.  He looked at his future self; his eyes had rolled back into his head.  What the hell was going on?  Then it was like someone had thrown a bucket of water in the future Shika’s Face.  His eyes snapped back into their regular place.  Future Shika then tossed his arms above his head and shot out a layer of fire over the entire council of Entity members.
    A shower of arrows punctured through the ceiling of the temple.  Shika’s fire disintegrated all of them as the fell into it.  
    “Everyone to the front gates looks like the dinner guests are early.” Shika said as he continued to shield all the preparing Entity members.  The vision began to fade away and past Shika was sucked out of the future and back to the past where he belongs.
    “I recommend fighting attire.” Shika told Sayuri the second his eyes opened up.  He then dove deep into the story of what he had just seen.
    “Good thing I asked you to check.  Looks like we’ll be having an earlier than scheduled.”  She tossed a new shirt over his folded up wings.
    “Why are you putting on good clothing?  There’s going to be a very bloody battle.” Shika asked when he saw Sayuri putting on a very elaborate cloak and a very nice pair of pants.
    “Well, for that very reason.  It may be my last night; I might as well go out looking good.”  There was a note of fear in her voice. Shika shared the same feeling, and he was glad his clothes were clean.
    After a quick meal and very little talking, Shika and Sayuri ventured over to Boki’s hut.  Black smoke was pouring out from every nook and cranny as they approached.
    Sayuri coughed as she took a deep breathe when she pushed the front door open.
   “Miss, is that you?  I just finished.  I think you’ll be pleased.” She heard the hoarse voice of Boki through the smoke.  
    “Boki, grab on to something, I’m going to clear this place up a bit.”  Shika couldn’t see what Sayuri was doing but he felt very hard beating from wings brushing up against his chest.  The black clouds were thinning and shining black plated objects that were hanging on the wall were starting to appear.  Sayuri stopped her ‘cleaning’ and put her wings away.
    “Boki!” She started in amazement, “these are all made of Black Opal!  How did you know I was going to ask you to remake them?”
    “Your boyfriend isn’t the only one with the power to see the future.  Right after you left last night I went ahead and checked out when I had to have to done by.  I went a little further to see what the battle would be like, and I saw them all wearing the armor.  So I went and collected all the black opal I could and voila!  Now, I must get back to what I’ve been doing.  Every townsperson must be armed today.  We have to win this battle, or give ‘em hell while trying!” A triumphant tone rang in his voice.  Sayuri bowed very low to Boki, who returned the bow with a much smaller one and then started his machines up again.
    “I need to use your fire.” Shika threw out his right hand lit a burning red fire. “Not that kind,” Sayuri said as she pushed his hand away, “I need the pure white fire.  That’s how you call all the dragons to one spot; with one pure flame.”
    Shika slowly extended his left arm and scrunched his face in concentration.  His hand was shaking and glowing white.  Sweat began to pour from his face, but he continued his struggle.  His teeth were clenched tightly and his eyes were wide in attentiveness.  A cool, pure white flame popped out from his palm.
    “Oh thank God.” Shika sighed as he stopped his struggle.  Sayuri took off her crest and placed it in his hand. The emblem shone a bright blue then absorbed all the fire in Shika’s hand.  Sayuri grabbed it from his palm and replaced it back on his cloak.  
    “Shit, I forgot to tell the guards to allow them access. Can you take care of that?”  Sayuri begged Shika.
    He rolled his eyes. “Fine.” And with a flash of white he was gone.  About ten seconds later he returned to the same spot. “All done.” Shika said with a proud look on his face.
    “Where are we going now?” Shika asked as they began walking.
    “We’re going to the Hall.  From what you and Boki saw, we have to prepare a lot earlier than expected.”  Sayuri said, “Can you do me another favour?” Sayuri pleaded with Shika in a sugar coated voice.
    Shika sighed, “What now?”
    “Can you ring the bell at the top of the hall please?”  Sayuri hugged him and looked up at him, batting her eyes.
    “Alright, I’ll do it.  But this is last one for today, got it?”
    Sayuri saluted to Shika, “Yes sir!”  Shika once again vanished and appeared beside the bell and started pulling a lever that caused the bell to ring out.  Then with a wisp of smoke, he re-appeared beside Sayuri.  They walked together through the large golden doors into the Hall.
    No matter how many times Shika passed through those golden doors, he still was breathless from the beauty.  The ornate ceiling were covered in marble depictions of what looked like epic battles and the flowing red silk that hung from the beams supporting the roof fell gently to the sides of the room.  
    “People will be showing up pretty soon.  We’re speaking, so we have to be at the front of the Hall.  Oh, speak of the Devil.” Sayuri laughed as many men and women all clad in long robes clambered into the room, all of them wearing a look of confusion on their faces.  They all slowly walked to their cushions, awaiting the announcement.
    An older man, who’s hair was starting to appear a pepper colour, spoke up, “Why the hell are you ringing the meeting bell?  What is so damn important?”  His arms were crossed and he was the only person that had a sour look on their face.
    “If you would’ve just waited a few moments, you filthy piece of...” Sayuri’s teeth were clenched as she glared at the man, who was looking rather smug.  
“Alright, asshole, this is what’s up.” Shika broke in, “Koroshite has an army greater than anything you’ve probably ever faced before. This army is marching towards Naka Sekai as we speak.”  Shika stopped and looked at the shocked faces.
    “How do you know this?  Is this just a wild guess?” The man spoke up again.
    “You know what, Eri, if you don’t shut up, I’m going put an arrow right in your throat!” Sayuri was shouting at the pepper-haired man, who was looking rather sheepish now.
    “I didn’t see the army, but I did see a vision of this meeting, except it occurred a lot later in the day.”  Shika dove into the story, again, telling all the members about what he had seen.  “That’s why the meeting was held so early, so we have time to prepare for the battle.  The dragons have already been summoned; most of them should be arriving shortly.  You should all go back to your homes and prepare for the fight.  Say your good-byes to your loved ones, you may not be returning alive.”  Chatter broke out among the group.
    “What’s the point then?  Why should we defend this place if you’re sentencing us to our deaths?”  Eri spat.
    “Because either way, you will die!  Why not try and protect the ones you love you selfish pile of shit.  You make me sick.”  Shika’s eyes were flaring. “You don’t even deserve to wear that cloak.  You’re a disgrace to Entity.”
    “What do you know about this community?  Nothing!  You have no right to tell me where I stand in Entity.”  Eri stood from his cushion, he was shouting at Shika.
    “This isn’t even about this ‘club’, it’s about the people!  You aren’t willing to sacrifice yourself to save your fellow man.  That’s just low.  That’s what Entity is for, to protect the people.” Shika finished, with a final tone in his voice and walked out the side door of the Hall.
    “What a dick!  I can’t believe he would say things like that.” Shika rampaged on.
    “Don’t let him get to you.  Everyone hates him, so calm down before you burn the whole town down.”  Shika’s hair was burning like a brush fire.  “We have to get ready now, the dragons just arrived, we have to suit them up.” Sayuri told Shika.
    “How do you – “Shika was cut off by a woman’s scream. “Ah, I see.”
    Sayuri and Shika followed the frightened yells and met up with a mass of about 2000 dragons.  Kiri was in the front of the pack.
    “I… called… as… many… dragons… as… I… could,… more… should… be… arriving… soon…”  He bowed his head to Sayuri, the rest of the heard did as well.
    “We have prepared armor for you and your company.  If you follow me and Shika, we will fit you with your protective gear.”  Kiri bowed even lower this time, signifying thanks.  Sayuri turned and walked to the still smoking hut containing Boki.
   Sayuri knocked twice on the door.  The machines inside stopped
    “All the gear has been moved into the park, and there are people there to fit the dragons.  You have to prepare, also.  Go on, I need just a little more time.” Boki started up all the engines again, and Sayuri told the dragons the directions to the park.  
    “Well, I guess we should get ready, too.”  Sayuri sounded scared.  Shika put his arm around her shoulder and steered her to her house.  Shika opened the door and looked around.  It seemed much emptier than before, for some reason.  Sayuri went off into the other room while Shika sat on the bed.  He didn’t know what to expect.  Would he be coming back? Or would he be one of the casualties?  He sat up and looked at the nightstand beside him.  There was paper, ink and a quill.  He grabbed the quill and tried to right, but it was far too awkward, se he dabbed his finger with ink and started to write.
    He wrote very quickly and then put the piece of paper under Sayuri’s pillow.  He grabbed his stained black fingertip and healed it back to its original colour.  As he did this, the room to the bathroom burst open and Sayuri had a crazy look in her eyes.
    “It’s time.”  Her voice was curt.  Shika didn’t dare to ask what was wrong, because he knew that she was terrified, because he was too.
    The walk to the gates was a silent one. They met up with many other members along the way, but they did not speak a word either.  Sayuri and Shika pushed their way to the front, with no arguments from anyone.  After a few moments of tense waiting, all the Entity members had arrived and the gates slowly opened.  They all marched forwards, weapons and sheaths rattling together.  Their breaths were short and quickening.  Shika could almost feel the fear radiating from the warriors.
    The gates closed tightly, locking the battlers out.  There was no noise but the wind.  All the chattering from in the Hall was gone.  The silence was shattered with the sound of a Mimp scream.  All the warriors jumped.  Their eyes were all fixed on the horizon for the first glimpse of the great army.  Sayuri was shaking and her forehead was shining with sweat.  Shika wished to comfort her, but he was frozen.  
    Thousands of bobbling heads starting popping up from behind a dip in the land.  It was an endless see of black creatures and people.  Even the former Entity members’ robes were darker than usual.  Shika stared at the army, and from on his right he heard Sayuri whisper in a shaking voice “My God.” And her hand clenched on to his.
    “I love you” Sayuri whispered to Shika.
    “I love you, too.” Shika replied.  “FIRE!” Shika bellowed, and every member of Entity, including Shika and Sayuri, all released arrows at once.  The final battle had begun.
FINALLY! I finished this chapter. I'm very pleased with it too. More depth. i kinda like it.

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ladydawn's avatar
Gaaaah, the suspense...

The note-writing made my heart leap into my throat, since you told me about it a few weeks ago....